
Showing posts from April, 2018

Logan's Miraculous Recovery- Update Part 1

One week and 2 days have passed since Logan's miraculous recovery, and the news remains positive.  Logan's girth has remained a steady 27 inches - no distension.  His energy is good, and he is happy.  However, this impressive turnaround occurred against a backdrop of sadness, with stories of loss flooding Facebook and text messages this past week.  Numerous friends either lost a dog or were close to a dog that passed on.  Another friend received terrible news regarding a sibling.  The juxtaposition of Logan's triumph over death got me questioning why we got so lucky. After entertaining the thought for a moment, I realized, it is not the right question.  It's normal to benchmark and compare our situation to someone else's.  It's only human to think to yourselves that you hope the tragedy someone is going through doesn't happen to you.  While this might not read as a compassionate thought, the fear of something horrible happening are not in conflict of empat

An Easter Miracle

The definition of miracle in and of itself implies there is a transcendence from the world we know to something more powerful.  A miracle is defined as “ a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”   There are many, especially in my field, who believe there are no such things as miracles.  Yet here I sit, on and Easter Sunday, with Logan by my side.  I’ve had an epiphany, that perhaps miracles do exist. You simply have to know where to look.  In fact, in thinking back over my life, the tenderest mercies have come through the life, and the death, of my dogs.   Last Monday, I am sure of what my eyes saw.  Logan was getting distended, uncomfortable, his gums were grey.  The downturn was evident.  Also, I was sure what my ears heard.  The vet said Logan was leaking sludge into his body.  That today would be better than the next and then the next.  The end was near.   Logan’s e