An Easter Miracle

The definition of miracle in and of itself implies there is a transcendence from the world we know to something more powerful.  A miracle is defined as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”  

There are many, especially in my field, who believe there are no such things as miracles.  Yet here I sit, on and Easter Sunday, with Logan by my side.  I’ve had an epiphany, that perhaps miracles do exist. You simply have to know where to look.  In fact, in thinking back over my life, the tenderest mercies have come through the life, and the death, of my dogs.  

Last Monday, I am sure of what my eyes saw.  Logan was getting distended, uncomfortable, his gums were grey.  The downturn was evident.  Also, I was sure what my ears heard.  The vet said Logan was leaking sludge into his body.  That today would be better than the next and then the next.  The end was near.  

Logan’s eyes still had some light left, enough to make a call.  After I sent the last post Thursday night, with a vet appointment scheduled on Friday to put him down, we gave him the last homeopathic treatment and waited till morning.  When morning came, so did an improved Logan.  What had gotten to 33 inches swelling was back to 31.  We called Patti and she told Russ to meet her in MD ASAP to pick up the next step of remedies.

On Good Friday, with all the traffic, Russ literally inched his way up to MD and came back with options as we see how things go.  On Saturday morning we gave a different dosing of Lycopodium Clavatum, only to be given that morning, with the Apis Mellifica given 15 min thereafter, and then the food 15 min later.  Logan was back down to 30.5 inches.  

Today, the program has been varied and will continue to vary as we move along.  Logan is down to 30 inches, his energy is up, his gums are bubblegum pink.  I have no idea regarding why or how this is happening. I only know what my eyes see.  I see the same pushy dog trying to eat anything in sight, I see life in those eyes, I see another day.

In my last post I said I’d rather be a day too early than a day too late.  I should have said more convincly, that unless a miracle proves me otherwise.  I can’t pretend to understand, but I will make sure not to underestimate this amazing dog and let him tell me where we go from here. 

Enjoying Easter Breakfast


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