Logan of fire: 2018

One positive of the summer, Logan is still with us!

While I have pondered how or if what we are doing matters for Logan, I am reminded of this one miracle that defies scientific explanation.  There was an occasion the last week of August when Logan looked very weak. I looked into his eyes and the life wasn't there.  I thought he was telling me that he's done.  He was also starting to swell a bit, measurements were up about an inch at the waist and the ribs.  I figured it was total shut-down.  Naturally I called Patti right away.  She recommended a specific remedy we hadn't used before.  I didn't ask any questions about it.  The next day,  his measurements were still up and I was deflated that the remedy hadn't worked, although he did appear less weak.  Patti had asked me to update her so I gave a call.  I told her that there wasn't anything positive to report in the measurement and that only his energy seemed a little better.

Then, I  mentioned to her something about Logan that I don't want to forget.  I had given Braddock a bone and he was very content, for at least a brief moment.. Logan got up, and with great determination he stalked Braddock with a relentless pursuit, and Braddock, with terror in his eyes, fled - leaving the bone behind.  Logan then claimed his prize.  When I relayed this to Patti I said that on any other day, Logan would leave Braddock alone and she said, "but not today."  And the "not today" told her something. 

She had given him a remedy that is akin to fire in Chinese Medicine that basically she used to let her know if he had any spirit left in him.  This remedy is to bring out any fire that might still be there and there was no question - it was there.  This told her the next move - to give us a remedy she calls the big gun, and then we followed our usual protocol.  Within 3 to 4 days we were back to normal, in fact, even better than normal as Logan got up on the couch for the first time in months.

For all the heartache that 2018 has brought to our family and so many around us, Logan reminds me that there is always a beacon of light in the midst of the darkness.  As Jay Farrar sings, "Don't get down when the Calvary doesn't rise, it is only in Hollywood that didn't get it right.  There will be damage, there will be hell to pay, light after darkness - that is the way!"

Feeding tip to remember:  His appetite is still very strong but we have to be careful in feeding more volume because that can also lead to swelling.  We saw Patti in Aug and she recommended nutrical and also clinicare liquid diet.  The nutrical seems to provide good energy without side effects - we give 1 tsp a day.  The 1/8 cup clinicare seemed to make him uncomfortable so we suspended that for now.


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