
Showing posts from September, 2018

Logan of fire: 2018

One positive of the summer, Logan is still with us! While I have pondered how or if what we are doing matters for Logan, I am reminded of this one miracle that defies scientific explanation.  There was an occasion the last week of August when Logan looked very weak. I looked into his eyes and the life wasn't there.  I thought he was telling me that he's done.  He was also starting to swell a bit, measurements were up about an inch at the waist and the ribs.  I figured it was total shut-down.  Naturally I called Patti right away.  She recommended a specific remedy we hadn't used before.  I didn't ask any questions about it.  The next day,  his measurements were still up and I was deflated that the remedy hadn't worked, although he did appear less weak.  Patti had asked me to update her so I gave a call.  I told her that there wasn't anything positive to report in the measurement and that only his energy seemed a little better. Then, I  mentioned to her s