Christmas 2018 Home

The trip home from the Invitational was fraught with challenges.  About 3 hours from home the back tire on the RV blew.  Fortunately we were right at an exit that had a gas station.  We were parked there for about 3 hours waiting on service, but we were able to get the dogs out and get refueled.  But it took us 12 hours in total to get back from Yemessee, SC.

To make matters worse, we couldn't go to the house.  We were having work done on the kitchen and floors while we were away, and things were behind schedule.  The floors had just been stained and we couldn't get into the house or we'd mess them up.  So we stayed at Americamps. 

The next day, Friday, it rained all day.  We met Russell's parents for lunch at Brio Tuscan Grille to celebrate his birthday.  Neither of us were as impressed as we had been in the past.  Finally, the next evening we were able to get into the house.  We had hoped to wash clothes, but to our dismay, we found that the dryer was broke.  We spent Saturday morning unloading the RV into the cars and bringing the stuff back to the garage.  Then Russ took the RV up to a tire place so we could get new tires on.  We were scared to go any farther on the very old spare we had.

The house was in no shape to come home to though.  No appliances or sink.  While the kitchen floors looked great, the den furniture was still in a pile in the center of the floor.  Lots of stuff was in the dining room.  We cleaned off one small area around the tree so we could hope to have Christmas.  The tree was new this year - the old one we have had for about 10 years finally had the lights go out and despite all efforts to repair them, there was no choice but to move on to the new.  That said, the new ended up being quite a pretty tree for us.
Sunday, we headed out to Salisbury MD for an agility trial.  We wouldn't have entered in hindsight, but we thought that we'd have a few days rest at home - which we didn't.  The long trip was worth it though because Braddock had a stellar fast STD run, but knocked a bar in JWW.  Frye was respectable, but not perfect enough for a Q.

Monday, there was finally progress on the house and by the time New Years Eve was winding  down, I was able to prepare the Christmas meal I wanted - turkey, sweet potato souflee, corn spoonbread, rolls, apple pie, and eggnog bread. 

On Tuesday, New Years Day, a positive attitude was in the air.  Braddock woke up acting like a puppy.  He picked up a stuffed toy and started to run around the bedroom, banking off the pillows against the wall as he pushed around the coffee table (the typical Braddock move).  We enjoyed walks with the dogs and the good meal I had made.  Finally, we exchanged gifts.

Frye gave Russell some pants for running agility
Braddock gave me a wallet (since 2018 he cost so much with all his rehab)
Cadia, the practical one, gave Russ some socks
Gracie, who I call my thermal blanket since she is so warm, gave me a North Face fleece pullover
Finally, Logan was not to be forgotten.  Russ got me a necklace charm filled with Logan's ashes.  It came from Agape (the place that cremated him).  Agape has some really nice things.  This charm is a ring - clover color.  My brother-in-law Seth surprised us with a picture of Logan that he painted.


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