Invitational Trip 2016: South Carolina - James Island and Folly Beach

We left Orlando on Wed and it took about 7 hours to get to Yemasee, SC.  This year we made the smart move to stay at the KOA as opposed to Thousand Trails.  After the long drive, we wanted to make sure that we had a guaranteed spot that we could fit in, and the alternative Thousand Trails option is a dump. 

The KOA was very easy.  The guide took us on the best path to park easily.  We were site #51.  Another good option for us would be site #51A.  But after the long drive we just walked the dogs around the campground and watched a little of the X-files and went to bed.

Then the next day we packed a picnic and headed to James Island State Park.  Weather was beautiful (65 degrees and sunny).  I had heard of James Island Park before as a recommendation for seeing Christmas lights but when we went to Charleston last year we didn’t have extra time to stop in.  The park was completely decorated for Christmas. 

There is a bike loop around a large lake, and at Christmas, a train ride around the lake to see the lights. 

On the lake, there is a large dog park.  We skipped it as our dogs are not dog park quality.  But, we did walk the RV campground and there were a lot of nice spots we could get into.  Sites:  54, 53, 46, 28, 107, 85, 116, 55, 29, 36.

It was easy to stroll Logan around so we walked a couple miles around the lake and continued on the paved trail through the woods.  Then we packed up to head to Folly Beach.

The drive to the beach is about 15 minutes.  It’s a quaint beach town.  Much less commercial than Myrtle Beach so we liked the atmosphere much better.  It was easy to find a place to park.  We commented the moment we paid the parking attendant that South Carolina people are so nice.  There are a lot of dog friendly restaurants at Folly Beach, but we packed our own lunch so we could sit out and look at the water.

We walked on the beach towards the lighthouse, but never made it all the way.  Logan was a little more tired today.  We met a family who is local.  They stopped to pet the dogs and then told us about a dog bar, The Barrell, where dogs are allowed off lead in the gated yard out back.  They told us the entire area was extremely dog friendly.

We got Logan’s stroller so we could walk the beach a little more since it was such a beautiful day.  I captured a video of that.  The dog that had the most fun was Cadia.  She kept walking towards the water to get her paws wet and then doing her crazy zoomies when she’d get hyper.  Braddock hates that.  In fact, he just hates the beach.   Frye sauntered beside me.

After the walk, the dogs laid on the picnic blanket.  Logan would hop back in his stroller to rest occasionally, but then would get on the blanket.  Russ and I sat in our chairs and ate lunch and looked at the water until time to go.

The dogs just slept, they were so tired.  People that passed by said they were so well behaved.  We didn’t even have to hold their leashes as they lay on the blanket.  But I forgot, Cadia laid on the sand. In the end, we both agreed, this was the best day of vacation.  We’d like to come back to Folly Beach.
We drove back to the RV and quickly got ready to have dinner with my sister, Seth, and parents.  We rode with mom and dad, and dad has become an even worse, unsteady driver, so we never know if we will arrive safely.  First stop was Melissa’s house to exchange gifts.  Then to Wren’s restaurant for dinner.  It was burger night (3/4lb burgers).  We debated if we’d get the salmon and split it.  But Russ was sick of salmon so he got the burger and I got a salad with chicken.  In the end, probably the right move as it settled well with both of us.  The issue of the evening was the scarce supply of regular butter.  Mom pretty much scarfed that all up.  All in all an OK restaurant, but not like Columbia Restaurant in Florida.  It wouldn’t be a restaurant we’d seek out, but then again, we don’t eat out much. 


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