Speed Circles

If I had to pick one of the best training exercises I ever did for Braddock it would be Speed Circles.  (Thanks to Laurene Galgano for the coaching). I had certain goals with Braddock:  to build drive,  build confidence, and teach him to see the lines.  The latter allowed me to achieve distance with him on course, so that I can be in better position to cue turns. 

The exercise is run with lower jump height (I use 16 inch for a 24 inch dog), 2 rows of 3  jumps spaced around 21 feet apart.  The 2 rows should be curved to make an oval.  The oval should be slightly wider than the tunnel, which will be positioned at the outer end.  On the start you can either have a crate or tunnel.  I prefer the crate. I explain the exercise more fully in the video below.
Once you achieve the basic foundational exercise, then you can use the same principle to start building drive in working sequences and turns.  In the video below, I have set up a course to join two speed circles, where instead of a tunnel in each, I set up a pinwheel so I can work in some turns.  I have also replaced some jumps with weaves and contact obstacles.  This type of training allows you to identify these types of patterns on a course and reminds you to let the dog drive the line with minimal interference from you.  It helps you to see when to let the dog have obstacle focus and when to shift to handler focus.
Here's a video of Frye learning her speed circle work and then connecting the speed circle to a sequence.


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