The End of Logan's Journey
The hope is gone. Logan's time here is now down to a day if not hours. His liver has failed him. On Sunday his abdominal cavity began to fill with fluid, and it continues to fill. We reached out to see if the homeopathic route could offer us a Hail Mary. On Tuesday night we made an 11pm run out to Wegman's to grab 2 homeopathic options to try and help restore some liver function. I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I did anyway. Each day I measured his abdominal cavity and each day the numbers came back worse; 30.5in, 31in, 32in, and finally, 33in. Unless something miraculous happens by morning, I believe after tomorrow he would start to become uncomfortable and be at risk for seizure or trouble breathing. In this case, I'd rather be a day too early than a day too late. I've heard it said that easy decisions make a hard life, and hard decisions make an easy life. This notion stems from the old adage that through afflictions we gain...