Gracie First Swim

We took the dogs to Paws to Swim.  The weather has been horrible this winter.  In one stat, it had rained 13 of the last 19 days.  The dogs haven't had much exercise, so swimming seemed a good option.  We brought Gracie to expose her to the water early.  I put a life jacket on her just in case she accidently fell in.  I  never imagined that she would jump in.  But when she saw us working Braddock in the water, and that he was getting treats, she took a leap of faith.  Interestingly, she didn't panic at all.  In fact, she started moving naturally in the water, as if she had done this before.
Thereafter, we decided to go ahead and give her some exposure in between a lap with Braddock, who is still healing from the injury.  
Since she is learning, we don't get enough energy out from these short swims.  The same is true for Braddock as well.  The only way we can get a break in the house sometimes is to give the dogs some special bones to chew on for a while.  Yet with 5 dogs chewing as hard as they can, one would have to be completely deaf to drown out the sound.


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