Frye's First Year

Why were we considering adopting Frye?  Well, I told Jen never say never greyhounds that I was interested in rescuing a Greyhound and she found her as a potential for us.  In April 2016 she had Frye transferred from FL to GA to make initial assessments.  Interestingly, Frye's trip to GA coincided exactly with our trip to GA for the Perry agility trial. 
Frye was definitely one of the prettiest greyhounds we've ever seen
However, those initial assessments didn't look favorable for Frye, and we opted out of seeing her while we were in GA.  Basically, Jen and I determined to pass on her.  
Jen said that Frye likes to lay on her back
But in May, we got a call from Jen saying she was reconsidering and felt Frye might work out for us.  We discussed a trial period of adoption from June-August.  So we made a plan to meet Jen in North Carolina to bring her home.
Frye immediately made herself at home on the favorite snuggle ball
We compare Frye's journey to the effort for a dog to qualify at nationals.  In nationals, you need to run the gauntlet with 4 qualifying runs, however Frye seemed to need 12 qualifying runs to get to us.
What saved her was her motivation for food
There were things that took a bit to develop, like seeming to care who we are and wanting to be close with us.
And also learning that she had entered into a working home and she wasn't going to be a couch potato.
Frye's first visit to an agility trial in concord, NC
      That said, she did seem to arrive as an expert in couch potato behavior......
And any fears we had of her and Cadia having issues with one another were somewhat relieved
Maybe the answer to all problems is allowing the dogs on the furniture after all

And we noticed she's great at generalizing behavior.  Her couch potato expertise extended to the lounge chairs
And the bed.....
What we were impressed with most is how easy it was to take her places....
Photo op at StonyPoint Fashion Park
And she adjusted very well to the RV life....
All in all, I am completely in love with my new Greyhound!



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