Asheville, NC (May 10, 2017)

It's been 8 years since we visited Asheville.  We last visited on our trip to Barkwells right before we picked up Braddock as a puppy.  We were coming home from the Specialty in Michigan and Logan had just won the High In Trial in Agility.  It feels like forever ago, another lifetime.  We wanted to bring Logan back one more time.

We stopped in the city of Asheville on the way to try and get a feel for the place.  We've considered retiring here because we have heard and experienced positive things.  And today, only reinforced those perceptions.  The people we met in town were exceedingly friendly, from saying "hello" to asking permission to  pet the dogs.  Dog-friendly shops and restaurants were plentiful.

We chose to eat outside at Rhubarb.  Our site was originally set on Posana Restaurant.  Supposedly they are the icon of dog-friendly complete with having their own dog menu.  However, it is closed for lunch on weekdays.  Next door we saw plenty of people eating outside at Rhubarb and with their dogs.  If I had looked at the menu beforehand, I probably wouldn't have gone.  Nothing looked particularly appetizing.  That said, the quality of food and service was outstanding. And dog-friendly it was.  The patio is shaded which was a gift on a 83 degree sunny day like today.

I had a nice flavored soda water - a Tangelo Tonic (tangelo shrub, fresh orange, bitters, soda).  And for the entrée I got the Market Plate (mixed grains, market vegetables, goat cheese, green goddess dressing).  It was delicious.  Much better than a regular salad - even beating out the the fancy mediterranean salads.  Russ got a burger and fries of course.  But I had a bite of the burger and it might have been the best I ever hard.  The dogs got a few bites but Russ really wasn't feeling that generous. 

Frye was very well-behaved, only wanted to be petted constantly.  Logan waited patiently for treats dispensed from the table.  Braddock was active, trying to jump at any wait staff walking by with a plate and inching over to other dining tables.  That said, overall the tykes were good and we were able to sit back and relax and have a nice enjoyable meal.


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