Barkwells (May 10 - 12, 2017)

I wanted one more trip with Logan.  I don't want to think about this being the last trip, and I hope it isn't.  I only knew that I wanted one more.  And now that the trip is over, I am consumed by the aftershock of still wanting one more. 

It's been 8 years, and finally we return to a place we've always enjoyed visiting.  I call it the dog resort.  Everything is tailored to the dogs;  dog beds, dog towels, dog sheets for the furniture, private fenced yards, dog treats, dog doors, doggie gates so they can stay out on the deck with you.  The property itself is dog heaven; a few acres completely fenced with a lake in the middle. 

The owner makes you feel right at home. In the kitchen there is a welcome white board with yours and your dogs' names.  She shows you how to work the fireplace, the hot-tub, internet password, etc.
In the past we've stayed at Diva's cabin, but this year we chose Lacey's cabin and we prefer the inside better.  Diva's cabin had a better view from the deck.
First thing we did was take the dogs to the backyard and open the big gate that leads to the main property. Frye was definitely the most excited.  Once she saw the vast green acres around her, she took off running, full speed.  Poor Frye, she never saw that lake out there until it was too late.  For a brief moment, we had a dock-diving Greyhound.  She was soaked, head to paw.
Braddock and Cadia chased each other with Braddock breaking out his zig zag moves.  They played hard, and I didn't get a bit of it on video.  The best way to picture it is what you'd imagine dogs doing in heaven.  They'd run, chase things, walk by your side, come back to you for a pet or a treat, go off again to enjoy some more.
Logan did great.  In the morning when it was cooler, Logan ran up to me from behind to get his treat.  He then did a run-by Cadia with that playful tigger dance he used to do as a puppy, even though now his striding is stiff.  He had a big smile on his face.

We would walk around the lake and just past the sandy beach heading back towards the cabins, Frye would take off running to chase the chickens that were in the fenced yard next to the country store.  Braddock and Cadia would follow, thinking something interesting might happen.

At night, the dogs would crash.  Russ and I would relax by the fire and watch a movie.  This trip's movie pick was Patriot's Day (the story of the Boston Marathon bombing). 

Here's a video of all the fun we had.  It truly was an amazing trip and extra special that Logan did so well.


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