Sheep Herding Titles

Logan enjoyed his sheep herding days.  I don't have video for when he actually received the certificate in Perry Ga which was in 2006.  I do have this memory, however.  I was in the Toyota 4Runner and had the window down.  When Logan saw the sheep, he jumped out the window. 

Because he loved it so much, we decided to let him do it again albeit years later (2011). While I do have video below, one memory I did not capture on video occurred when we walked him towards the sheep herding pen to see Braddock's sister, Xena, go for her certificate.  When Logan caught site of the sheep, he knocked me to the ground, I got tangled in the leash, and dragged me to the gate.  People ran over immediately to make sure I was OK.  It was like the scene from Seabiscuit, but amazingly I survived without injury.


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