A Great Day in January 2017

Today was a day of a life worth living.  At least Logan saw it that way.  It’s as if he said, “hey world, look at me, I can still run.”  Towards the end of the two mile walk at the park this morning he started this game where he’d lag behind, and then take off running to catch up and get a treat.  I always said, that dog would do anything for a treat.  The beautiful thing is that he still has the will to do it.

We had a follow-up visit with Patti a couple days OK.  The basic diagnostics are as follows; gums and tongue pink, eyes bright and white, weight holding steady, and an even body temperature to the touch.  All good signs apparently.  We were having some trouble with starting the SamE.  We administered the supplement every other day, and on the days he took it, he was definitely more lethargic.  Patti recommended to keep him on the every other day ritual and continue to give with food (which decreases potency).  Ideally, he would take every day and 1 hour before or after food.  Obvious from his behavior this morning, today was his day off.

Patti reminded me that I should mention this caveat to those who are following the blog intently. Each treatment plan is dependent on the dog and their needs.  One should not assume that the program that is working for Logan could be a step by step recipe for another dog.  I don’t intent for this blog to be an endorsement of a specific program.  But rather, a beacon of hope for those who find themselves at the end of the journey and ask the question, “is there anything more I can do?” So there you have it, my public service announcement.

That said, I must confess that I have hope for this program.  I told Patti I want to repeat bloodwork to help guide us on next steps.  I can’t lie.  I’m hoping to see a miracle, to see all normal values.  I’ve played out the scenarios in my mind.  What if things look worse?  Would that change anything I am doing?  Would I just give up?  These are questions I don’t have the answer to, because I’m hoping I won’t have to answer them.  I’m can’t let go of hope.


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