Invitational Trip 2016: Celebration Florida

Tour of Celebration

On Monday evening we headed to Celebration with Mom and Dad.  We left the dogs behind.  It was a warm day and thus not safe to leave them in the car, or to walk Logan around too much outside.  We arrived at dark, so we couldn't really see the town that well. 

Our destination was my favorite restaurant, Columbia Restaurant.  It's a Spanish restaurant.  Excellent food and wonderful patio area on Front Street.  Because it was warm, we wanted to sit outside.  Last year when Russ and I went, it was much cooler, but we still sat outside because the restaurant had powerful patio heaters.
Our first trip to Columbia Restaurant in 2014, Braddock's first trip to the Invitational
We had a cocky waiter named Paul.  He was good though, just had a very cocky demeanor.  I remembered our favorite dish was Mahi Mahi Verdadero.  In fact, that is the exact dish that Paul recommended to my mom.  It's apparently a customer favorite.  We love it.  The other option was the Pollo Manchego.  That's another that caught my eye and that Paul recommended.  I chose the Mahi Mahi to keep the stomach acid  down and go a little more neutral to help my gallbladder issue.

A dessert that is a must have is the blueberry cheesecake.  Russ gets it without the whipped cream.  We had it last time and I remember loving it.  This time, I still loved it but could only take a couple bites. 

All in all, the meal was as perfect as I remembered it last year.  Still one of my favorite places to eat.

It was quieter than normal that evening.  Market Street still had the ice-skating rink but wasn't producing the fake snow.  Don't know if they stopped that this year.

Since Russ and I enjoyed walking the dogs around the town so much last year, we decided to return the next morning and got there around 8:30am.  It was a much cooler day, easy for us all to be outside for a while. 

We walked around the town for a couple of hours, strolling Logan. This was his best day in Florida.  He sat up most of the time and looked out the stroller.  Yes, he begged for treats, but for the most part he just seemed to enjoy being strolled around.  We walked around the lakes and over the boardwalks and then into the neighborhoods.  The homes were spectacular, especially the Spanish style homes on the waterfront.  We walked about 5 miles around the town and talked about whether or not we could see ourselves retiring there.  Of course, one would need to be able to afford it first.  Celebration is a pricey area.
At Colombia Restaurant sitting on Front Street

After walking the town, we returned to Front Street and sat on a bench to relax a moment.  Logan had gotten out of the stroller by this point, wanting to walk around, so we dropped the stroller off at the car on the way to the waterfront.  The dogs got petted a lot.   Logan snuck off once to visit a girl in the corner who had a bag of goodies from a bakery.  The nose still knows.

Then we took the dogs into the Wolf Gang dog store and they all got excited.  Logan and Cadia were the first to spot the table of dog goodies.  I bought them some treats and then we walked up Market Street where I bought a Christmas tree ornament.  I wanted one that said Celebration Florida but apparently they don't make those.

By this time, it was approaching 12, so we dropped the dogs at the car and then Russ and I walked back to the waterfront to have a picnic lunch we had prepared.  Finally, we drove around Celebration looking at some homes for sale (there aren't many). 

Definitely a place we enjoy visiting.


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