It Seems to Be Working

This weekend is the Westminster trial in NY.  I am apprehensive with the thought of taking Logan into the big city.  Especially with a concern on how we could get help quickly if there were an emergency.  I needed some data to help me make an informed decision, so I decided to get Logan’s blood rechecked.

Recall his liver values at the time of his diagnosis on 12/1/16:

Serum chemistries demonstrated mildly increased ALT (227 U/L), mildly increased GGT (19 U/L), normal ALP (64 U/L) and normal total bilirubin (0.2 mg/dl).  Phosphorous (2.2 mg/dl) and magnesium (1.3 mg/dl) were mildly (1.3 mEq/L).

The new liver values look quite promising:

ALT (160 U/L), GGT (1), ALP (52 U/L) and total bilirubin (.1mg/dl).  I’ve attached his bloodwork for those interested.

It’s important to interpret these values the right way.  When the liver is compromised, because there is less normal liver tissue, one could explain a lower ALT value.  However, if this lower value was due to tumor spread, then other liver values would be elevated.  Given that Logan’s values are not only in normal range, but significantly lower than in December (especially GGT), it appears that what we are doing is not only slowing down the progression, but in part, reversing some of the symptoms.

It’s good news.  Yet, I still don’t know the size of the tumors at this stage.  Blood levels are correlated with liver damage caused by cancer cells but are not correlated to the magnitude of the cancer.  In other words, the tumor could be growing.  When you consider his largest tumor was closest to 4 cm, and if you double that you get 8 cm, and if you double that you get 16 cm, you can readily see how this growth starts to snowball out of control.  The concern with this aspect, of course, is tumor bleed.

So while I’m very happy about the bloodwork, I’m cautiously optimistic given that I don’t know the current size of the tumors unless I do another ultrasound.  If I consider his clinical signs, he’s eating well, alert, happy, walking about 4 miles a day, and seems his general happy self.  So, he will go to New York.


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