Braddock Concord Trial Nov 2017

We came to practice for the Invitational.  On Standard Day 1, he had a phenomenal run, but I️ stepped out after the table and he pushed to the off course.  In general, I️ need to work him going past an obstacle without taking it.
Day 2 Standard run was incredible and he took 1st place, beating Baille the Greyhound by 1 sec.  Braddock was 28 seconds under time, which is impressive on that type of footing.
Finally, in JWW Day 2, there was an opportunity.  I️ sweated the backside push, which he got just fine.  The challenge was that after the weaves, the next jump felt awfully close and required a hard turn after it as well.  With Frye I️ was positioned onside of the weaves and could do a reverse spin at that jump.  With Braddock I️ tried to blind cross after the weaves but my timing was off as I️ had to wait on him given the tight space, and then I️ darted, and thus he pulled out of the weaves. Although it is his job to stay in, if I️ were to run it over I️ would have rear crossed the weaves.


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