Frye Concord Trial November 2017

Frye continues to improve, and she did an amazing job in Concord.  Her first run she was a little wild.  We were having a rough trip (RV power issues). We had a freezing cold night.  Given we were out of sorts, we didn’t do her usual sprint back and forth routine. That said, after we got through the teeter, she really got it together. Many dogs struggled to get to the weaves, but I️ did a reverse spin and she read it very well.
In JWW, she was fabulous and the only mistake was my fault.  I️ cut in behind for a rear cross which she actually read very well.  Unfortunately, I️ had to do it a jump too soon given how fast she was and I️ couldn’t make it into position for the next jump.  She felt me come in and didn’t move out to pick up the out jump.

On Day 2, Frye had a better STD run, but missed the up contact of the teeter.  Otherwise she would have Q’d.
In JWW, Frye got her Open JWW title.  She had a wide turn before the weaves taking her around an off course jump. It was amazing she made it into the first weave pole.  She’s definitely trying to get it right.  I’m not sure what I️ could have done to get her to collect more at the jump before the weaves. We just need to work collection more.


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