Frye's Novice STD title

I will say that I feel more in the flow with Frye in JWW.  This is the opposite of  Braddock, where I felt we always had an easier time on STD courses.  The issue with Frye and STD is that I don't feel confident on her contacts.  In hindsight, I wish I had just trained a "bottom" on the Aframe from the beginning.  I think having one set of criteria for the teeter and dogwalk, and another for the Aframe just wasn't working.  So, I am now teaching a "bottom" on the Aframe. Also, in trials, I think she has learned quickly that she is not reinforced for the "bottom" and therefore has not been committed to it.  And finally, I find that she's not focusing on the criteria, but rather focusing on me (as I'm the one the reinforcement comes from at home).  Thus, I am having to adjust my training and make sure the target is in place and the reward is not coming from my hand.  Another concern I have is that she doesn't have the confidence in STD as she does in JWW.  She's quick over the Aframe, but more cautious over the dogwalk and even more cautious over the teeter.  I am going to have to work on building value for those latter two obstacles. 
Thus, while I am ecstatic that she got her Novice STD title, I am also a little remiss that the run was so heavily managed.  No, I do not believe she is ready for open STD, but at the same time, I am going to move her up so that I can quickly get her on 12 weaves and hope to have a little more handling options in the course than one has in Novice.


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